2018 Conference

2nd International Conference on Europe in Discourse

Agendas of Reform

September 21st - 23rd, 2018 in Athens, Greece

The time is now appropriate to discuss solutions rather than problems:  Britain’s decision to leave the EU reinforced disintegrative agendas across Europe, making it painfully clear that European integration cannot be taken for granted. The pro-European French President Emmanuel Macron promises to re-launch Europe. He expresses hopes for Europe to find “new ambition”, and pledges closer cooperation with Germany. For her part, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken of her agenda to draw up a "common road map" for Europe, and deepen social and economic reform across Europe. Although reform is a common denominator in the discourse of political and state actors throughout Europe, it is unclear what exactly this entails or how it can be achieved. There is no agreement on the Agendas of Reform that are emerging. What lies ahead for Europe depends on how effectively these agendas will be formulated and implemented.

It is against this background that the 2nd Europe in Discourse Conference sets out to discuss Agendas of Reform through the following topics:

  • Values-based Reform, from Enlargement to Legitimization
  • Completing the EMU
  • EU Security and Defense
  • The Franco-German Relationship
  • The Transatlantic Dimension
  • The EU and Islam
  • Greece and the EU

Agendas of Reform will bring together communication scholars, linguists, discourse and political analysts, journalists, politicians, policy makers, and legal, financial and economic experts to talk about the future shape of Europe. We believe that the results of this interdisciplinary dialogue on Europe can both illuminate and inform the agendas—and decisions—of those who “do” Europe.


Abstracts received from 20 countries