Opening remarks:
Mr. Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship since November 2014.
Confirmed Speakers:
Ms. Ino-Despina Afentouli, NATO
Ino-Despina Afentouli is the Program Manager for Partnerships, Cooperative Security and Open Door policies and Program Officer for Greece at NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division (Engagements Team). She is responsible for the elaboration and implementation of the Public Diplomacy Strategy related to NATO’s partnerships, she represents Public Diplomacy Division in the respective NATO Committees and official meetings with the countries under her responsibility and she has the overall management of the communication campaigns in cooperation with state authorities and/or NGOs. Ms. Afentouli joined the organization in 2001.
From 1986 to 2001, she worked as a journalist and columnist specialising in Foreign Policy and European Affairs. She was European Affairs Editor at the Athens News Agency (1997-2001), editor-in-chief of the Greek edition of the Economist Intelligence Unit reports ( 1996-1999), diplomatic correspondent, STAR Channel (1995-1996) and Messimvrini Daily, (1995-1996), political correspondent, Kathimerini Daily (1989-1994), Foreign Affairs editor, Athens Municipal Radio (1986-1989). She studied Law at the Athens University (BA) and earned a MA in Political Communication at the University of Paris-I (Sorbonne). She also attended the Institut Francais de Presse (University of Paris II). She was a member of the European Association of Journalists and received the Kalligas Award (November 2000) for contributing to the dissemination of European ideas in Greece. She was also Secretary General of the European Network of Women Journalists (1994-98) and official candidate of Greece for the prize Women of Europe in 1993. In addition, she was a member of the Greek-Turkish Forum aiming at the promotion of civil society cooperation between Greece and Turkey (1996-2000) and member of Win Peace, a women’s organisation promoting cooperation in South Eastern Europe.
Dr. Jens Bastian, Independent Economic Consultant
Since October 2013 Jens Bastian established himself as an independent economic consultant and financial sector analyst. From September 2011 to September 2013 Dr. Jens Bastian was appointed by the European Commission as a member of the Task Force for Greece in Athens, Greece.
His previous professional experience includes working for the European Agency for Reconstruction, Thessaloniki, Greece, Alpha Bank in Athens, Greece, as well as academic positions held at St. Antony’s College, Oxford, U.K., Nuffield College, Oxford and the London School of Economics, London, U.K. Since 2009 Jens Bastian is a senior research associate at ELIAMEP (Hellenic Foundation for Foreign & European Policy) in Athens, Greece. Jens Bastian received his Ph.D. from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy in April 1993.
Μr.Henri Bohnet, Director of the Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Greece and Cyprus
Henri Bohnet is the Director of the Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Greece and Cyprus. He joined this German political foundation in 2005, implementing projects in the Russian Federation, before he headed the KAS offices in Skopje and Belgrade, and later the Domestic Programs Division in the Berlin Headquarters.
He has additional work experience in the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, as well as in the Peacekeeping Department of the United Nations Headquarters.
Ambassador Nicholas R. Burns, Harvard University
Ambassador (Ret.) Nicholas Burns is the Roy and Barbara Goodman Family Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Relations at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He is Faculty Chair of the Future of Diplomacy Project and the Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship. He is Director of the Aspen Strategy Group and a Senior Counselor at the Cohen Group. From 2014-2016, he was a member of Secretary of State John Kerry’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board at the U.S. Department of State.
He served in the United States Foreign Service for twenty-seven years until his retirement in April 2008. He was Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from 2005 to 2008. Prior to that, he was Ambassador to NATO (2001-2005), Ambassador to Greece (1997-2001), and State Department Spokesman (1995-1997). He worked on the National Security Council staff where he was Senior Director for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia Affairs and Special Assistant to President Clinton and, before that, Director for Soviet Affairs for President George H.W. Bush. Earlier in his career, he worked at the American Consulate General in Jerusalem and in the American Embassies in Egypt and Mauritania. He serves on the Board of several corporate and non-profit organizations.
Anna Diamantopoulou, President of DIKTIO- Network for Reforms in Greece and Europe, an Athens-based think tank.
A Civil Engineer by training with graduate studies in Regional Development. Member of the Greek Parliament for 11 years & European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (1999-2004). Minister of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs (2009-2012), and Minister of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping (March-May 2012).
Presidium Member of the “Friends of Europe”, the Brussels-based think tank exploring thinking on the future of the EU, and Steering Committee Member of “Notre Europe-Jaques Delors Institute” the Paris-based think tank dedicated to European integration and unity. Member of the Scientific Council of Federation of European Progressive Studies (FEPS). Fisher Family Fellow (2012) of the Harvard Kennedy School lecturing on European Affairs, and Distinguished Scholar at Singapore’s Lee Kuan School of Public Policy (2015). Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy (2016-2018). Study visit at Republic of Korea, Presidential Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea University et al (2018).
Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos, Policy Planning Unit - NATO
Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos, joined the Greek Diplomatic Service in 1997. He has served in London, Istanbul, Vienna (OSCE) and in 2013 he was appointed to the Permanent Mission of Greece to NATO as Defence Counsellor. He is currently seconded to the Policy Planning Unit of the Office of the Secretary General of NATO.
James Ellison, Reader in International History in the School of History at Queen Mary University of London
James Ellison is Reader in International History in the School of History at Queen Mary University of London.He specialises in the history of Britain’s relationship with Europe and the United States after 1945 and, more generally, the history of the Cold War and European integration. He is the author of Threatening Europe: Britain and the Creation of the European Community 1955-1958 (Palgrave, 2001) and The United States, Britain and the Transatlantic Crisis: Rising to the Gaullist Challenge 1963-1968 (Palgrave, 2007).
He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, an Associate of the LSE Cold War Studies Centre, and Vice-Chair of the British International History Group.
Professor Kevin Featherstone, London School of Economics
Kevin Featherstone is Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor of European Politics. He is currently the Head of the European Institute and was long-term Director of the Hellenic Observatory and Co-Chair of LSEE: Research on South-East Europe within the European Institute. He has held visiting positions at the University of Minnesota; New York University; and Harvard University. Before LSE, he held academic posts at the universities of Stirling and Bradford. In 2009-10 he served on an advisory committee to Prime Minister George Papandreou for the reform of the Greek government.
He was the first foreign member of the National Council for Research and Technology (ESET) in Greece, serving from 2010-2013. In 2013 he was made ‘Commander: Order of the Phoenix’ by the President of the Hellenic Republic. In 2014, the European Parliament selected one of his books (co-authored with Kenneth Dyson) as one of its ‘100 Books on Europe to Remember’. He has contributed regularly to ‘Kathimerini’.
Professor Konstantinos Filis, Institute of International Relations, Panteion University, Athens, Greece
Head of the Russia-Eurasia & SE Europe Centre at the Institute of International Relations since 2005.
Elected in November 2007 and served for two years as Senior Associate Member at St Antony's College, Oxford University and since 2008 Research Fellow at South East European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX), Oxford University. In July 2012, he was appointed, by the Board of Directors, Director of Research at the Institute of International Relations of Panteion University. Between December 2013 and January 2015 he served as Chairman of Project Management Group at the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change.
From mid-2013 to early 2015 he served as Member of the Committee of the Center for Security Studies, which examined the threat of forms of radicalism to national security. He has conducted a number of studies and advised international and Greek corporations. Currently lectures at the Hellenic Naval Staff and Command College and at the Hellenic National Defense College. He is also teaching in post-graduate degrees in Greek universities. He is currently member of: the Greek-Turkish Forum, The Institute of Energy for South-East Europe, The Foundation for Thracean Art and Tradition, The Institute of Cultural Diplomacy. He is also Director of the International Olympic Truce Centre.
Kostas Hatzidakis, member of the Greek Parliament and Vice President of the New Democracy Party.
Born in Rethymno, Crete, in 1965 and a member of the Greek Parliament since 2007. He is a lawyer in Athens and was a President of the Youth Organization of New Democracy (1992-1994), member of the European Parliament (1994-2007) and a Minister in the Ministries of Transport and Development ((2007-2009 and 2012-2014)
Professor Evanthis Hatzivassiliou, University of Athens
Evanthis Hatzivassiliou was born in 1966. He graduated from the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1987, and received his MA and his Ph.D. in International History from the London School of Economics in 1989 and 1992 respectively. He currently serves as Professor (Post-war History) and as head of the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. He is a member of the Academic Committee of the Foundation of the Greek Parliament for Parliamentarianism and Democracy; the chairman of the Academic Council of the Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy; a Fellow of the Eleftherios Venizelos Foundation; and a member of the Greek-Turkish forum.
His recent publications include:Greece and the Cold War: Frontline State, 1952-1967 (London and New York: Routledge, 2006). Greek Liberalism: the Radical Trend, 1932-1979 (Athens: Patakis, 2010), In Greek. NATO and Western Perceptions of the Soviet Bloc: Alliance Analysis and Reporting, 1951-1969 (London: Routledge, 2014). The NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society, 1969-1975: Transatlantic Relations, the Cold War and the Environment (Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017).
Hans – Jürgen Heimsoeth, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of Sweden
His last assignments include Ambassador and Permanent Representative in Paris, (2012 – 2015), Ambassador in Kiev/Ukraine (2008-2012) and Consul General in New York (2005-2008).
Mr. Heimsoeth entered the German Foreign Service in 1981. He served first in Bucharest, Moscow and Mogadishu. 1989 – 1994 he was Personal Assistant to the Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker before taking up new postings in Brasilia and Warsaw. 2000 – 2001 he was Commissioner for the Baltic Sea Region at the Auswärtiges Amt and Chairman of the CSO of the Council of the Baltic Sea States. 2001 – 2004 Mr. Heimsoeth was Head of several divisions in the Foreign Ministry dealing with countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
Before entering the Foreign Ministry Ambassador Heimsoeth had studied History, Philosophy and Germanic languages in Freiburg and Berlin as well as Political Sciences at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris. He earned a Ph.D. in French History at the University in Freiburg.
Professor Panagiotis Ioakimidis, University of Athens
P.C. Ioakimidis, B.A, M.Sc, Ph.D is emeritus professor of European integration, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens. He has been Visiting Professor at the Hellenic School of Public Administration (Athens), the Centre for Diplomatic Studies of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Athens), the NATO Defence College (Rome) and other academic institutions. He has lectured widely on European Union issues in Europe and the USA and written extensively on European integration issues.
P.C. Ioakimidis served as an adviser (Ambassador/Councilor) on European Union Affairs to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to the Prime Minister C. Simitis. In this capacity, he took part in all major EU negotiations, including the negotiations for the Single European Act, the Treaty of Maastricht and the Treaty of Amsterdam. He was the Greek Representative to the Intergovernmental Conference for the Nice Treaty (2000) and Alternate Member to the European Convention for drawing up the European Constitution (2002-2003).Among others, he served as President of the Administrative Board and General Director of the Hellenic Centre for European Studies (EKEM) as well as a member of the Governing Board of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).
George Katrougalos, Alternate Minister (State Minister) for Foreign Affairs,
responsible for European Affairs and International Economic Relations is Professor of Public and Constitutional Law at Democritus University of Thrace. He has served until November 2016, as Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, and previously as Alternate Minister (State Minister) of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction. He was also Member of the European Parliament from May 2014 to January 2015.
Minister Katrougalos has studied law at the University of Athens and at Sorbonne University. During 2000 – 2003 he was advisor to the Greek Permanent Mission to the United Nations for the works of the 3rd Committee of the UN General Assembly and a member of the committee of experts advising the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the drafting of the European Constitution. He has also been legal advisor to the Albanian Parliament on the drafting of the Albanian Constitution (1998-1999) and constitutional expert in many projects of institution building in Uzbekistan, Armenia, Syria and the Balkans.
Additionally, he has taught as visiting professor or guest lecturer at several Universities in Europe, the USA, Latin America and Asia and has been a visiting scholar at the Law School of New York University (2007 and 2012), as Emile Noel Fellow and Senior Emile Noel Fellow, respectively, and at Roskilde University (1994-1995), as a fellow of the Danish Academy of Science.
General Mikhail Kostarakos, Chairman of the European Union Military Committee
General Mikhail Kostarakos was born in Thessaloniki in 1956. He graduated from the Hellenic Military Academy in 1978 as 2nd Lieutenant in the Artillery and commanded combat units of both Field and Air Defense Artillery (HAWK Missile system). As general Officer he commanded the Brigade level Command at CHIOS island, a Mechanized Infantry Division and the C’ Army Corps and NATO Deployable Corps Greece.
He was assigned as Chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff from 2011 to 2015. The EU Foreign Affairs Council appointed him as the Chairman of the Military Committee effective from 06 November 2015. He holds a Political Science degree from the Law Faculty of the University of Athens and a MsC in “Diplomatic and Strategic Studies”.
Georgios S. Koumoutsakos was the Spokesman of Nea Demokratia from January to November 2016. As a member of the Standing Committee for National Defense and Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Parliament, he was elected by the parliamentary group of Nea Demokratia to the position of responsible for foreign affairs.
He was a Member of the Regional Council of Attica from May 2014 to January 2016, heading a party that was supported by Nea Demokratia. He was a Member of the European Parliament (EPP/Nea Demokratia) from 2009-2014, where he was a member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism and the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament.
Until January 2012 he was a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Subcommittee on Security and Defence. He was Vice-Chairman of the Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee and a member of the Delegation to the EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee.
Professor Michał Krzyżanowski, Örebro University, Sweden and University of Liverpool, UK
Michał Krzyżanowski holds a Chair in Communication and Media at the University of Liverpool, UK as well as a Chair in Media and Communication Studies at Örebro University, Sweden. His widely-acclaimed interdisciplinary research focuses on the discourse of media, politics and institutions incl. in the context of Europe’s political crises, right-wing populism and the politics of exclusion.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Language and Politics and co-editor of book series Bloomsbury Advances in Critical Discourse Studies. He is the author and editor of several major monographs, anthologies and journal special issues as well as numerous articles in critical discourse research of European media, political, policy and organizational communication. For more info see:
Professor François Lafond, Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, FYROM
Francois Lafond has been recently nominated Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, at Skopje. He was before for the last three years associate professor in Sciences Po Paris (Euro-American campus), lecturer at University of Paris-Sud and European consultant for IJL-Un Forum pour le Monde (2017). Previously, he was the executive director of EuropaNova (2013-2016), secretary general of the French Aspen Institute (2012-13), and director of the Paris office of The German Marshall Fund of the US (2008-2011). Before, François Lafond was a special adviser of the Italian Minister for Regional Affairs (2007-8), of the Italian undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs (2006-7) in Rome.
Former deputy director of Policy Network in London (2003-6), researcher of the think tank Notre Europe with Jacques Delors in Paris (1999-2003), research associate at the European University Institute's Robert Schuman Centre in Florence (1995-9). He is also currently member of the agenda working group Halifax International Security Forum (Washington), International collaborator for Navigator Shipping Consultants Ltd (Athens), editorial member of the Italian think tank Volta (Milan), and a regular collaborator of European media (France 24, Challenges, Rai3 Mondo) and has a column in France Forum on European affairs. He has recently translated from Italian to French the book from Sandro Gozi, Génération ERASMUS: ils sont déjà au pouvoir (Plon, May 2016). He has been honoured "Ufficiale dell'ordine della Stella d'Italia" in September 2014.
Professor Karin Liebhart, University of Vienna
Karin Liebhart is currently a Fulbright Visiting Professor at the Department of Political Science at University of Minnesota (fall semester 2018), Sociology Associate Professor at University of Trnava (since 2016), a Senior Lecturer (main focus “Europeanization”) at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (since 2011),a Lecturer at the Postgraduate Program “Master of European Studies” at University of Vienna (since 2008),a Lecturer at the Interdisciplinary Master Program “Contemporary History and Media” at University of Vienna (since 2016) and a Lecturer at Karlshochschule International University, Karlsruhe (since 2016).
Her main research interests are: Visual politics and visual cultures, Political communication and campaigning, Discursive and visual representations of politics, Right-wing populism and extremism, anti-pluralistic politics, Democratic quality and political participation, Political, economic, social and cultural processes of transformation in Europe, Memory politics and Gender studies.
The Professional positions she held (extract since 2009) are the following: Visiting Professor and Marshall Plan Anniversary Chair 2014-2015 at the Department of Political Science, University of New Orleans (main focus “European Politics/Comparative Politics”, (2014) Visiting Professor at AAU Klagenfurt (Centre of Peace Research and Peace Education and Department of Media and Communication Studies), (2012-2013) Visiting Lecturer at the Nationalism Studies Program, CEU Budapest, (2011) Visiting Professor (main focus “Comparative Dictatorship and Transformation Research”) at the Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna, (2009) Visiting Professor at the Institute of Government and Politics, University of Tartu (main focus “Memory and Identity Politics”).
George Moschovis, Deputy Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Greece
George Moschovis is an economist and has been recently appointed deputy Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Greece. Having worked in academic, public and private institutions, he joined the Commission in 2006 and has served in various positions within the institution, mostly in the areas of macroeconomic forecasts and analysis, in designing and assessing economic adjustment policies and studying EU political economy. His academic work has been published in academic journals and European Commission's publications.
Gilles Noblet, European Central Bank
Gilles Noblet is Principal Adviser at the Directorate General for International and European Relations of the European Central Bank (ECB). Before that, he served as Advisor to the ECB President and the Chief of his office.
Gilles Noblet worked previously for the Banque de France as - inter alia - Head of the European Relations Division, Representative in New-York and Head of the Governor’s office.
Professor George Pagoulatos, Athens University of Economics and Business
Mr. Alexis Papahelas, Executive Editor of Kathimerini newspaper
Alexis Papahelas was born in Athens in 1961. He studied at Bard College and received an M.A. in international Affairs from Columbia University.
He is currently the Εxecutive Editor of KATHIMERINI, a Greek daily newspaper.
Professor Harry Papasotiriou, Institute of International Relations
Professor Harry Papasotiriou is Chairman of the Department of International, European and Area Studies at Panteion University and Director of the Institute of International Relations, Athens, Greece. He studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford and got an MA and a Ph.D. (1992) from Stanford's Political Science Department.
He is co-author of America Since 1945: The American Moment (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, second edition 2010) and has published books and articles on the Balkans since the end of the Cold War, the War of Greek Independence, Byzantine grand strategy, American politics and foreign policy, the role of the diaspora in Greek foreign policy and international politics in the twenty-first century.
Dr. Effie G.H. Pedaliu, London School of Economics
Effie Pedaliu is a Fellow at LSE IDEAS having previously held posts at LSE, KCL and UWE. She is the author of Britain, Italy and the Origins of the Cold War, (London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2003), the co-editor (with J.W. Young and M.D. Kandiah) of Britain in Global Affairs, Volume II, From Churchill to Blair, (London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2013,) and (with J. Fisher and R. Smith) The Foreign Office, Commerce and British Foreign Policy in the 20thCentury(London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2017). Pedaliu co-edits the Palgrave/Macmillan book series, Security Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World. She is also a member of the peer review college of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, co-convenor of the International History Seminar, Institute of Historical Research and contributes regularly to Kathimerini on Sunday.
Some of her more recent publications include: ‘Human Rights and International Security: The International Community and the Greek Dictators’, International History Review, Vol. 38 (5), 2016;‘ “Footnotes” as an Expression of Distrust? The U.S. and the NATO “Flanks” in the Last Two Decades of the Cold War’, in Kreis, Klimke, and Ostermann, ‘Trust, but Verify’: The Politics of Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Cold War Order, 1969-1971, (Stanford University Press, 2016); ‘Greece and the Crisis: A Historical Perspective’ in Morilas and Dokos, Greece and the EU: Lessons from a Long-Lasting Crisis, (Barcelona: CIDOB Monograph Series, 2016),‘The US, the Balkans and Détente’, in Rajak, Botsiou, Karamouzi and Hatzivassiliou, The Balkans in the Cold War, (London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2017).
Professor George Prevelakis, Panthéon-Sorbonne University
George Prevelakis is Professor of Geopolitics at the Sorbonne (Paris 1) and an Associate Fellow at the SciencesPo Center of International Research (CERI) in Paris. He specializes in European, Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean Geopolitics, in Diasporas and in Physical Planning. After leaving Greece in 1984, he has occupied teaching and research positions in Paris, Baltimore, Boston and London. During the academic years 2003-2005 he served as the Constantine Karamanlis Chair in Hellenic and Southeastern European Studies at the Fletcher School and during the period 2013-2015 as the Greek Ambassador at the OECD. He co-directs the academic journal Anatoli (Paris, CNRS Editions).
Among his books are: Qui sont les Grecs ? Une identité en crise, CNRS Editions, Paris, 2017, Who are we ? The Geopolitics of Greek identity, Economia, Athens, 2017, « Géopolitique des civilisations. Huntington, 20 ans après », Anatoli n° 4, CNRS Editions, 2013, « Pour une nouvelle Entente balkanique », Anatoli n°1, CNRS Editions, 2010, Géopolitique de la Grèce, Complexe, Brussels, 2005.
Professor Federico Romero, European University Institute
Federico Romero is Professor of History of Post-War European Cooperation and Integration at the Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute, where he is coordinating the ERC project “Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community (PANEUR1970S)”. A specialist on 20th Century international and transnational history, he worked on various aspects of the Cold War and trans-Atlantic relations, particularly the Marshall Plan and post-war European reconstruction, migration and European integration, Italy’s place in Europe and the Atlantic world.
Among his main most recent publications: “Cold War Anti-Communism and the impact of Communism on the West”, in The Cambridge History of Communism, Vol. II, edited by Norman Naimark, Sophie Quinn-Judge and Silvio Pons (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 291-314 with Elisabetta Bini and Giuliano Garavini (eds.), Oil Shock: The 1973 Crisis and its Economic Legacy (London: I.B. Tauris, 2016) with Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (eds), International Summitry and Global Governance: The Rise of the G-7 and the European Council, London: Routledge, 2014, “Cold War Historiography at the Crossroads”, in Cold War History, vol.14, no.4, November 2014, 685-703, DOI: 10.1080/14682745.2014.950249
Professor Sotiris Roussos, Dept. of Political Science & International Relations, University of Peloponnese.
Associate Professor on International Relations and Religion in the Middle East at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Peloponnese and Head of the Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East and Islamic Studies ( He is also Coordinator of the Centre for Religious Pluralism in the Middle East ( From 1997 to 2003, he served as Senior Middle East Expert at the Greek Foreign Ministry. In 2009 Sotiris Roussos was appointed Personal Envoy for the Mediterranean Partners of the President-in-Office of the OSCE. Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2012. He has written extensively on the regional security and international politics in the Middle East, political Islam and the Christian communities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Professor Daniel Schlosser, Sorbonne University in Paris
Daniel Schlosser started his career as a teacher of Mathematics in secondary schools. He soon was appointed, after a national competition, as an inspector of National Education. In this position, he developed nation wide programs for early learning of foreign languages and for international relations at school level, which led him to be seconded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a cultural attaché. He successively worked as Director of French cultural Institutes and Attaché in French Embassies in Germany and in Turkey. He also worked as a UN civil affairs officer in Kosova after the war in the Balkans. After 5 years spent as a councelor for cultural diplomacy in the Ministry of Foreign affairs, he dedicated himself to crises management : French state support to Haïti after the earthquake of 2010, support to Mali after the war in 2013, to Serbia after the Floods in 2014, support to the democratic transition in Tunisia, etc. After a 3 years stay in the French Representation to OECD, he joined the Interministerial Delegation for the Mediterranean in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2008, he has a position of an invited Professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris, in charge of a seminar «Geopolitics of the Oceans».
Professor Magda Shahin, The American University in Cairo
Magda Shahin is currently Senior Advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry and Chief Negotiator on various trade matters. She is also Professor and Director of the Center for American Studies and Research, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) at the American University in Cairo (AUC).
Ambassador Shahin has had numerous posts in diplomacy namely as Attaché in Bonn, as Counselor in New York, as Deputy Chief of Mission in Geneva, as Ambassador of Egypt to Greece, and lastly as Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for International Economic Relations. As a Professor in the American University in Cairo today her teaching interests include Political Economy, the International Trading System and the WTO, International Negotiations, Diplomacy and US-Middle East Policy. Ambassador Shahin holds a Ph.D. in economics from Cairo University.
Professor Angelos Syrigos, Panteion University
Angelos Syrigos (Athens, 1966), is associate Professor of International Law and Foreign Policy at the Department of International and European Studies at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens.
He is a graduate of the Law Schools of the National University of Athens and of the University of Bristol, England where in 1994 he was conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of public international law.
He has served as Secretary General of Population and Social Cohesion of the Greek Ministry of Interior (August 2012 and May 2015) and Secretary of the Ministry of Education responsible for Intercultural Education (2007-2009)
He has published three books and several articles on Greek-Turkish relations, the law of the Sea, the Cyprus issue, the Balkans, minorities and migration.
Professor Antonio Varsori, European Union Liaison Committee of Historians, University of Padua
Antonio Varsori is full professor of history of international relations at the Deartment of Political Sciences, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova. He has been the Director of the Department (2012-2015), he is member of the committee for the publication of the Italian diplomatic documents at the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, chairman of the Liaison committee of historians of contemporary Europe, editor of the journal "Ventunsimo Secolo", editor of the series "SIEC" at the Franco Angeli publishing house and co-editor of the Euroclio Series with E. Bussière and M.Dumoulin of the Peter Lang publishing house.
Among his most recent publications: "La Cenerentola d'Europa ? L'Italia e l'integrazione europea dal 1947 a oggi" (Rubbettino, 2010); "L'Italia e la fine della guerra fredda. La politica estera dei governi Andreotti 1989-1992" (il Mulino, 2013); "Storia internazionale dal 1919 a oggi" (il Mulino 2015); "Radioso maggio. Come l'Italia entrò in guerra" (il Mulino, 2015), "Le relazioni internazionali dopo la guerra fredda 1989-2017" (il Mulino, 2018); "Italy in the international system from détente to the end of the Cold War. The Underrated Ally" ed. with B. Zaccaria (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2018).
Dr. Franco Zapettini, University of Liverpool
Dr. Franco Zappettini (PhD Applied Linguistics, University of London) is a Lecturer in Communication and Media at the University of Liverpool. His research interests focus on the analysis of language, discourse and social dynamics within two main areas of communication: international political communication and organizational/strategic communication.
He has published in peer-reviewed international journals on the subjects of European/transnational identities, and multilingualism. He is the co-editor with Prof. Krzyzanowski of a special issue on Brexit (forthcoming in Critical Discourse Studies journal).